Freedom to be productive in Gmail

The inbox is an interrupting box of surprises, as addictive as a Las Vegas slot machine. Split Gmail into areas of focus, and free yourself for what matters now.

Control distractions. Focus on what matters.

Filter all of Gmail to only the client, meeting or topic that you care about right now.

It's noise-cancelling for email.

Distraction-free productivity

What's the cost of losing focus? On average, it takes about 24 minutes to regain it.
Breef lets you choose what topic you want to work on, and filters everything you do in Gmail - inbox, search or label - to just that.

Save hours on labelling

Forget manual input - no labels, no filters - Breef is mostly automatic, and you can set up a topic as easily as deciding who goes in it.
Breef can reduce Gmail admin by 75% - so you and your team can focus on work that matters.

How Breef Works

  1. Install the Chrome extension and open Gmail.

  2. Tell it the topics that matters to you: a project, your team, important clients.

  3. Once a topic is selected, that's all you'll see in Gmail.

  4. Some topics are even 100% automatic - e.g. when you write to someone, you can see your entire history - across all threads & files - with the recipient.

  5. Finally, it auto-detects emails that still need action for any topic. When you mix that with easy focus, nothing will slip through the cracks.

Choose your Breefing

Coming soon... Breef will integrate Asana, ClickUp, HubSpot, Trello and more, so you can also get breefed in Gmail about your projects and deals.

A Breef philosophy
by Andy Mitchell - BEO (Breef Executive Officer)

My inbox finally broke me.

For 15 years I've made the first Gmail task manager, ActiveInbox. You might expect I'm the most efficient emailer in the world.

I'm not 😔.

Like pigeons in a loft, my inbox has become home to anyone who wants to settle there. And it's equally full of dubious material.

On the one hand, when you receive over 50 emails a day, you can't manually label all of them to break them into categories.

On the other, no where else in your life would you work the way Gmail expects you to. In high school, you wouldn't have learnt if your maths teacher and your english teacher were both screaming Shakespeare and Pythagoras at you simultaneously. And in our work day, we don't just "do tasks", we group them into projects. But email, oh email, it just screams "HERE DO THIS NOW, NOW THIS, NOW THIS."

Psychologists talk about "flow state", where you're so immersed in work that time disappears, that you reach a higher plane of productivity, even that you feel pleasure.

To have any chance at flow, or even just to keep your sanity, you need to be able to focus fully on the job at hand.

And to form a lasting habit, you need a tool that makes it smooth.

(If this excites you, tell me what you need!

✔️ Breef is ZERO effort.

When you're swamped you've got no time to "manage" emails.

Breef is designed to require no input. It automatically pulls together what matters, to achieve your goals.

And works where you do - within Gmail!

✔️ Privacy. Your emails are safe.

Notice how there's no cookie banner on this site? We don't track you. We're fully GDPR compliant.

Breef doesn't require permission to read your emails. See our Privacy Policy.

✔️ Your attention matters.

In our increasingly fragmented world, it's hard to argue there's any greater skills than focus and relationships.

"The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy."

- Cal Newport, New York Times bestselling author of Deep Work

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ in the Chrome Web Store

discount What Will It Cost? discount

I don't know exactly! Breef is prelaunch (but working and useable), and I'm still figuring out the value. It'll be the same ball park as ActiveInbox - so around $6/mo.

Got any other questions? Sign up below, or just ask.

Your busy life deserves this